Thanks Ben, I’m on it

I love different people, different cultures, different scenery, and different literature (I’m also guilty of thinking that anything different is better than what I got but that has nothing to do with this post).

I do believe that the goal today in class is understanding that there is a plethora of different authors and topics and ways to write literature. We are scrolling through different online versions of literary magazines to put some perspective into our own goals with

I spent some minutes checking out a few of the suggestions made by my professor on her own blog at

I enjoyed scrolling through the Paris Review @

The archives offer select samples of works to let you read just enough that you need to purchase the issue because you must know how the story ends.

On Ploughshares website here is a the link to the READ page where I found this article:

What Happens in Hell,” an essay by Charles Baxter. I am attempting to write some non-fiction on myself and BAM what haven’t I been reading more of this stuff from the pros?

Dammit, now how am I ever going to get any sleep? My own ridiculous question calls to mind the question I have been asked the most lately; when do you have any time? Ha! Time? I say. Well I have the same amount as you. I just use it different. I do believe Benjamin Franklin listed this particular virtue as industry. “Lose no time. Be always employ’d in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions.”

Thanks Ben, I’m on it.

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